Friday, June 29, 2007

Week 4, Thing 8

Finished the RSS assignment today! Subscribed to the required 10 RSS feeds on the bloglines account. Here are the feeds;
Accuweather - Boing Boing - CNN Dr. Gupta - CNN news - Discovery News - Shifted Librarian - Library Bytes - Market Watch - This Day In History - Unshelved.

Some of the trys did not take, I think it is because some of the sites are subscription. I kept playing around until they worked - the fear is diminishing.

I would think nothing of reading about all of this technology, but would not actually set up accounts and try them. This course is good - it makes me actually follow through and use the technology.

1 comment:

James said...

i agree--having a course to complete and weekly exercises gives you that little push to follow through. nice work setting up your RSS feeds. if you'd like me to show you how to make your list public, so that you can link to your feeds, let me know.